Differences between Home Page and landing page


Difference Between Home Page and Landing Page: The home page is the main page of the website which carries the whole information about the website. On the other hand, the landing page is a stand-alone page which is designed for specific marketing and advertising campaigns.

The visitors land on the planning page when they click on the link of an email, post, or advertisement related to the website.

Main differences between the home page and the landing page:

Here are some main differences between the home page and the landing page. These differences are the main things which you should know about both these things.

There are 8 main differences which you should know when you are going to discuss about it. The differences are given here in the proper details.

1. Purpose of Home Page:

The main purpose of the Home Page is as the welcome front door of a website. It gives you a quick look at what is inside and helps you navigate around. You can click on different links to explore articles, videos, and more.

In addition to this, the Home Page is always there, like a welcome mat for anyone who comes to visit the website. It is like a sneak peek, encouraging you to find out more about the website.

2. Purpose of Landing page:

The main purpose of the landing page page a special campaign or promotion. A landing page has one main goal. It gets you to do a specific thing, like sign up or buy something.

Moreover, It’s like a focused guide to help you with that one action. It makes it clear and easy to understand. Landing pages are helpful signs pointing you to exactly what you need during a special event or offer.

1. Navigation of Home Page:

The Home Page often has links that allow you to visit different parts of the website. It makes homepages easy for you to explore and find what you are interested in.

Whether you want to read articles, watch videos, or discover more about different topics. Additionally, these links help you navigate the different areas of the site.

2. Navigation of Landing page:

The landing page caters to a specific audience engaged in the campaign or promotion, with content meticulously crafted to convey a targeted message. Intentionally designed with minimal links, it aims to maintain simplicity and focus your attention on a specific action.

Moreover, this design seamlessly guides you towards your goal, eliminating unnecessary distractions and ensuring a clear and straightforward user experience.

1. Design and Layout Home Page:

The Home Page usually looks a bit more complicated than a simple page. These various sections and important highlights are strategically placed to get your attention. These sections might include things like important announcements, popular content, or featured products.

2. Design and Layout of Home Landing page:

The landing page highlights a neat and clear design. It is guiding your focus to the main message and action you’re supposed to take. It’s like a signpost, making sure you notice and understand what they want you to do.

Furthermore, having a clean and focused design, landing pages act like a helpful guide. It ensures you see and understand the important message. It is all about making the information clear and encouraging you to take the desired action.

1. Call-to-Action (CTA) On Home Page:

The Home Page might have buttons you can click, called CTAs. These buttons take you to different parts of the website. So, you can choose where you want to go and explore various sections.

These buttons are like signposts. They guide you to different parts of the website with just a click. They make it easy for you to explore and find what interests you.

2. Call-to-Action (CTA) On the Landing page:

The landing page is designed for a specific campaign. The landing page usually has just one big button or message that stands out.

This button is special because it’s there to get you to do something important, like signing up or buying. It’s like the main guide to help you to achieve the specific goal of that campaign.

1. Content Scope Home page:

The Home Page gives you a full look at what the website is offering. It covers a wide range of topics and things to explore. The home page is designed for everyone who visits. It provides a broad overview of what you can find on the site.

It’s like a showcase displaying a bit of everything. It makes it easy for all kinds of visitors to discover and enjoy the diverse content available. Whether you’re looking for articles, videos, or different sections. The Home Page has a little something for everyone.

2. Content Scope Landing page:

The landing page is designed with a clear goal in mind. The landing page focuses on specific marketing objectives or campaigns. It provides content tailored to that particular goal.

Moreover, It makes it straightforward and relevant to the campaign aims to achieve. It is a dedicated space where visitors can easily understand the information and take specific actions. These are arranged with the marketing objective or campaign.

1. Audience Engagement Home page:

The home page is designed to captivate a diverse audience. It seeks to offer a welcoming introduction to the comprehensive content available on the website.

This includes providing an overview and inviting exploration of the various sections and features that cater to a wide range of interests.

Additionally, it is designed to create a positive first impression. It attracts the visitors to explore deep into the site’s offerings. Through a user-friendly interface. The Home Page aims to cater to the varied needs and preferences of a diverse online audience.

2. Audience Engagement Landing page:

The landing page for audience engagement is specifically designed for a particular audience invested in the campaign or promotion. We carefully shape the content to deliver a precise message.

And tailoring the information to connect with the interests and needs of the targeted audience. This approach ensures effective communication of the campaign’s purpose and increases the likelihood that people will get involved and take the desired actions.

1. Distractions of Home Page:

The Home Page might have different things like pictures and links. That thing could take attention away from what the campaign is all about. This could make it a bit confusing for people trying to focus on the special campaign message.

It is like an extra stuff around that might draw your attention away. Keeping the focus on the main campaign message can make it clearer. It helps people understand what’s special about it.

2. Distractions of Landing page:

It tries to keep things simple. So visitors can pay attention to the special message and what they’re supposed to do.

By removing extra stuff, like extra links or pictures. It makes it easier for people to understand and follow the campaign’s message and actions.

1. Campaign Integration of Home Page:

The Home Page is not always connected to a special campaign. It is like a constant picture of the whole website. The Home Page always tells you what the website is about. It is not just when something special is going on.

This is like a regular guide there to help you understand everything the website has to offer, no matter when you visit.

2. Campaign Integration of Landing page:

The landing page for the campaign adjustment is just for a special campaign. This page is usually connected to ads, emails, or posts on social media.

It’s like a dedicated spot that comes alive when you see an ad or get an email about something important.

This special page is like a guide for that particular campaign. It shows you exactly what it’s all about. It is there to make things easier for you and help you find what you’re looking for.

In simple wording, the Home Page is like the main door to a website where you can explore everything. On the other hand, a landing page is a special tool made for specific ads or promotions. It especially focused on one thing to get people to do something specific, like signing up or buying.

When to Use a Landing Page & When to Use a Home Page?

Here I am going to tell you the complete information about the use of these both pages. From there you can come to know about when to use these pages.

When to use a landing page?

  • Running Campaigns or Promotions:

Choose a landing page when you are doing something special. It is like a sale or event. And, It helps people focus on one thing, like a special message or deal. Also, it makes it easier for them to understand and take action. Landing pages are like a spotlight for your special stuff.

  • Encouraging a Specific Action: 

When you have a specific thing you want people to do like sign up, buy something, or get content, that’s when a landing page works well. It is like a special page designed to make it easy for visitors to do that one thing you want them to do.

  • Aligning with Ads or Email Campaigns: 

Use landing pages when you want to make it super easy and clear for people who click on ads, emails, or social media posts. It’s like a special page that guides them directly to what the ad or email was talking about, making the experience smooth and straightforward.

When to use a Home Page?

  • Providing General Information: 

Choose the Home Page when you want people to check out different parts of your website and discover all the things it has to offer. It is like the main page that helps them explore everything in one place.

  • Catering to Diverse Interests: 

The Home Page serves as a versatile starting point for visitors with diverse interests, offering a little bit of everything for everyone. It caters to a wide range of preferences, ensuring that each individual can easily find something they like.

Use Both Together for Optimal Results:

  • Combine Strengths: 

Make the most of both a Home Page and landing pages. The Home Page is like the starting point where you can see a bit of everything. Alternatively, landing pages are good at focusing on specific things to get people to do something special, like signing up or buying.

  • Strategic Navigation: 

Make sure it’s easy for people to go from the main page to the special pages by setting up clear paths. This way, everyone can smoothly move around and without any trouble, they find what they are looking for.

How many Landing pages can a website have?

If you are asking about the landing pages. The number of landing pages of a website varies and depends on the specific needs and goals of the website owner. Some websites may only have a few landing pages dedicated to specific campaigns, products, or services.

Some websites have lots of special pages for different groups of people or special promotions. They can make as many as they need to reach the right people and get them to do specific things. There is no set number, and they can keep making more to reach their goals.


What is the main purpose of a Home Page?

The Home Page is the starting point of a website, similar to an entrance. It provides a quick glimpse of everything available on the site. It guides the visitors to different sections. Think of it as a welcome mat, inviting exploration and offering an overview of the website’s content.

Can a website have more than one landing page?

Absolutely! There’s no set limit on the number of landing pages on a website. It can create as many as needed to effectively reach different audience segments. It can achieve specific conversion goals.

What’s the key navigation difference between a Home Page and a landing page?

The Home Page has a more complex navigation structure. It allows the users to explore various sections. In contrast, a landing page usually has simplified navigation. This guides the visitors directly to the campaign’s call to action.

What is the difference between a landing page and a start page?

A landing page is like the door where people first come into your website and do things. Meanwhile, a starting page is where visitors begin to look around your site, like your Home Page, About Us, or Blogs.

What is a landing page vs a Home Page WordPress?

The Home Page encourages visitors to explore your WordPress site and engage for an extended duration. Landing pages seek to captivate individuals, fostering interest in your business by obtaining their information. The appearance of landing pages varies based on your business type and the offerings you provide.


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