Is Selling Online Courses Profitable? YES

Are you having trouble figuring out, Is selling online courses profitable? Worry no more now, because teaching learning stuff to people is what selling online courses is all about. It’s not just about how many will join, you write a hundred thousand names, but if you deduct what you spend and keep, you still end up negative.

 Is Selling Online Courses Profitable? YES

Yes!!! Selling online courses are most trendy business idea nowadays. The reason is that most of us have a tough schedule and are not able to go and join classes physically. We prefer to join classes from our houses from our comfort zone. Therefore, the majority of mentors are offering their courses online to meet the competition of this era.

So, to see how much you can charge and calculate everything major just read the whole blog post. Because people all over the world can learn from you and you can earn a lot of profits from them. Let’s just take a closer look at everything in the details below!

 How Much Can You Make Selling Online Courses?

If you are thinking about how much money can you make online or just want to know about online course creator salary, then you must first understand the two key terms:

  1. Revenue
  2. Profit

Revenue is all about the money you get, whereas profit is what you have left after deducting some major things.

Therefore, making money from online courses is not that difficult! First, you have to estimate how much money you can earn by selling online classes. Then you have to make a subtraction by taking away the money you have:

  • Spent on making the classes
  • Decided to pay yourself
  • And paid to the government (taxes).

As everyone deserves a reward for their hard work, it is important to give them their rights. In this way, it is clear that it’s not only about the total number of sales, it’s about what’s left after you play the subtraction game. That’s exactly the real money you are going to keep!

How To Calculate The Online Course Price?

Selling online courses is a unique way to earn some extra money. So, without wasting any more time, let’s find out how to make money selling courses online!

Understand The Formula

The technique for estimating how much money you can make from your top-selling online courses is pretty simple. It just has three key elements:

Size of Your Audience

The size of your audience depends on the people who are interested in your course. These can be your friends, colleagues and even people on the internet who like your interests!

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is just like a percentage. It is all about how many people out of 100 decide to join your course. For instance, if 20 people out of 100 decide to join, the conversion rate will be 20%.

Course Price

Course price depends on how much you charge for your course. Whether it’s $19 or $99, the price plays a really big role in deciding your earnings.

Breaking It Down Deeper

Let’s just outline in mind. For example, if 1,000 people which is the audience size, visit your course page every month. Out of these, only 20 people come to join, so your conversion rate will be 2%. However, if you charge $19 for your online course, you can calculate your revenue by using the below-mentioned formula:

Revenue = Audience Size x Conversion Rate x Price of Course

According to this, Revenue = 1,000 x 0.02 x $19 = $380

If you get similar figures every month, it will add up to $4,560 in a year. That’s like having a money celebration every year!

However, the beauty of this formula is you can experiment and enjoy different things to see what works best for you. Even if you improve your course page, you’ll grab more audience. In this way, you’ll be able to charge a bit more by making your course extra special!

Is Selling Online Courses Profitable?

Yes absolutely! Selling online courses is very profitable! There are a lot of people who want to learn new things on the Internet. They are in fact, prepared to pay high for courses to learn useful information.

Here are the main reasons to make money selling courses:

  • Many people are waiting to learn online because online learning is really easy and accessible. This means there are a lot of students looking for classes and you can be the one to teach them!
  • You can offer different sorts of courses to them. It lets you reach a larger number of people to increase your audience.
  • Online courses help you to teach students from all over the world. It means more people can enroll in your class resulting in more money for you.
  • If your courses are well prepared, people will love to buy even if they are a little bit expensive. Quality matters more than the quantity!

In this way, creating courses online is not expensive. You can use internet things to help you, as well as things you’ve already made. So, selling online courses makes you spend less money and earn more!

Selling online courses can be an exciting way to earn profit. It’s not a bit difficult to figure out. Suppose you have a set of friends who appreciate what you know. Some of them may wish to learn from you and you can teach them online.

It’s quite simple for them and you to educate the students from all over the world. Just make your lesson unique, even if it’s a little more pricey, people will still want to buy from you. Have a successful selling business!


How to start online selling business from home?

You can start an online selling business from home by selecting your favorite products. After that, you just have to create a shop on some online sites. And then by taking good pictures of items, setting reasonable prices and getting your deals done, you can make a lot of sales!

What is the best place to sell online courses?

The best places to sell online courses include Udemy, Teachable and Skillshare. These websites are quite simple and allow you to connect with a large number of people. You just choose the right one for you, create interesting material and then start sharing your knowledge!

How to make money online?

You can make money online by freelancing on services like Upwork, taking paid surveys, learning about affiliate marketing and creating material for blogs or YouTube. Also, try offering online courses or practising e-commerce on sites like Etsy or eBay. Pick what best suits your talents and interests for the best outcome.

How to make freelance money?

To make freelance money, first, post your skills on Upwork and Fiverr. Second, upload an attractive profile showing your expertise and reasonable offers on relevant projects. Then create some quality work to build a solid reputation. However, networking and good client relations are big factors in securing ongoing freelance work.

What is the most selling course?

Finding the most selling course depends on trends, demand and platform changes. In January 2022, courses related to technology, programming, digital marketing and personal development were doing pretty well. But for the most up-to-date information, you should check to see which of the most popular categories are on online learning platforms such as Udemy or Coursera.

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