How to Start a Laundromat Business With No Money

Starting a laundromat business might seem like a pricey deal, but what if we told you there’s a way to do it without lots of cash? This article is all about How to start a Laundromat Business With No Money.

How to Start a Laundromat Business From Home With No Money?

We’ll share some smart ideas and important tips to help you start a successful laundromat business without needing a ton of money. So, if you’re someone who doesn’t have a lot of cash to spare or you’re just curious about how this all works, keep reading to learn how to start a laundromat business with little to no money.

Is a Laundromat Business Profitable?

Running a laundromat can be a profitable business due to its role in offering a crucial service that folks require on a regular basis.

Remember, the key to making your laundromat thrive lies not just in how you finance it, but in your business strategy, unwavering dedication, and effective management.

With these elements in place, your laundromat can indeed become a valuable and rewarding investment.

If you’re short on funds, don’t panic, there are innovative ways to get your laundromat off the ground. To get an idea about how to start up this business keep reading.

How profitable is owning a laundromat?

Owning a laundromat can be a remarkably profitable business. When you consider the numbers, it becomes evident why these businesses are often seen as cash-flowing powerhouses. On average, laundromat investments can yield an unleveraged return of around 20-30%.

Now, compare that to the typical return on a real estate investment, which typically falls in the range of 7-10%. The stark contrast showcases the allure of laundromats as a high-return investment opportunity.

With the potential for such substantial returns, venturing into the world of laundromat ownership can be a fruitful and lucrative choice for those seeking an entrepreneurial path with excellent financial prospects.

10 Steps to Start a Laundromat Business with No Money

Starting a laundromat business with no money may sound like a daunting challenge, but with the right strategies, it’s entirely possible. I will share 10 steps to turn your entrepreneurial dream into a reality, even on a shoestring budget.

Step 1: Market Research and Analysis

Before diving in, conduct thorough market research to identify demand and competition in your chosen location. You have to understand your target audience and their laundry needs. Make sure to analyze data to make informed decisions.

Step 2: Create a Solid Business Plan

Next create a detailed business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. A well-thought-out plan will help you stay on track and secure potential investors or loans in the future.

Step 3: Identify the best place to open a laundromat

Choose a perfect location for your laundromat that doesn’t break the bank. Make sure to choose areas with a high population density and minimal competition. Also, Negotiate lease terms that suit your budget.

Step 4: Leverage Partnership Opportunities

Being a business owner you to seek partnerships with local businesses or suppliers to reduce costs. Moreover, the collaborations can provide you with discounted equipment, supplies, and even marketing support.

Step 5: Smart Equipment Selection

The next step is investment which is much crucial. You have to invest in energy-efficient and durable laundry equipment.  Also, consider purchasing second-hand machines to save money initially. But the equipment quality is crucial for customer satisfaction.

Step 6: Legal Considerations and Registrations

You should meet all legal requirements, including permits and licenses.  For this purpose, consult with a legal expert if needed. Because the proper registrations and compliance will protect your business in the long run.

Step 7: Marketing on a Shoestring Budget

Marketing is another technique that helps you to promote your laundromat creatively. In this marketing strategy, you can utilize social media, local advertising, and word-of-mouth marketing. Also, try to offer promotions or loyalty programs to attract and retain customers.

Step 8: Building a Customer-Centric Approach

The next thing that is that you have to take notice of is customer support. Because Providing excellent customer service helps you to build a loyal customer base. Make sure to evaluate feedback and continuously improve your services. Because Happy customers can be your best marketing tool.

Step 9: Monitor Finances Closely

The important thing is Keep a tight grip on your finances. You have to track expenses and revenue. You should make a plan on how to Implement a budget and adjust it as needed. As we know, Wise financial management is crucial for sustainability.

Step 10: Scaling and Expanding Your Laundromat

As your business grows, reinvest profits to expand or open additional locations. Scaling requires careful planning and execution but can lead to long-term success.

So, starting a laundromat business with no money demands resourcefulness and dedication. By following these ten steps and staying committed to your vision, you can achieve entrepreneurial success, even with minimal capital.

What are the 3 types of laundry business?

When you’re setting up a laundromat, think about what kinds of services you want to provide to your customers.

There are different types of laundromats, ranging from simple ones where customers do their laundry themselves to full-service options. Your choice will depend on who your customers are, how much money you have, and what you have to work with.

Here’s a breakdown of the common types of laundromats and owning a laundromat pros and cons.

1. Self-Service Laundromat:

Self-service laundromats are facilities where customers bring their dirty laundry, use the provided washing machines and dryers, and handle the washing process themselves. These establishments are equipped with a variety of machines of different sizes to accommodate various laundry loads.


1. Cost-Effective: Self-service laundromats are budget-friendly, as customers pay only for the machines and time they use.

2. Convenience: Users have control over their laundry process, choosing the detergent and cycle, and can complete multiple loads simultaneously.

3. No Staffing Costs: In this service, you have minimal staffing requirements means lower operational costs.

4. Accessibility: They are accessible 24/7, offering flexibility to customers.

  • Machines require regular maintenance and repair.
  • Security concerns may arise when facilities are open late at night.
  • Customers must know how to operate the machines effectively.
  • The cost for customers varies depending on the size and number of loads but typically ranges from a few dollars to $10-15 per visit.

2. Wash-and-Fold Services:

Wash-and-fold services, also known as drop-off laundry services, involve customers dropping off their dirty laundry at a designated location, where attendants wash, dry, fold, and package the laundry for later pickup.


1. Convenience:  In this laundry service, Customers save time and effort, as they don’t need to do the laundry themselves.

2. Professional Cleaning: Laundry experts ensure high-quality cleaning.

3. Time-Saving: Ideal for busy individuals who can’t spare time for laundry.

4. Potential for Premium Pricing: Businesses can charge a premium for the service.

  • Wash-and-fold services are generally more expensive than self-service laundromats.
  • Labor costs and staffing needs are higher.
  • Customers have less control over the washing process.
  • Prices for wash-and-fold services vary widely based on location, but they typically charge per pound of laundry, with rates ranging from $1 to $3 per pound.

3. Dry Cleaning Services:

Dry cleaning is a specialized laundry service that cleans delicate or non-water-soluble garments using chemical solvents instead of water. Customers drop off items, and professionals handle the cleaning process.


1. Gentle Cleaning:  This high-end service is Suitable for delicate and high-end clothing.

2. Stain Removal: Dry cleaning is most effective at removing tough stains.

3. Convenience:  This cleaning service is best to save time and effort for customers.

4. Professional Expertise:  In dry cleaning service the skilled staff ensure proper care for garments.

  •  Dry cleaning is typically more expensive than traditional laundry methods.
  • The process involves the use of chemicals that may be harmful to the environment.
  • Dry cleaning usually takes longer than standard laundry.
  • Dry cleaning costs vary depending on the type and size of the item. Prices typically range from $5 to $20 or more per item.

Each type of laundry service offers distinct advantages and drawbacks. The choice between them depends on factors such as budget, convenience, time constraints, and the specific laundry needs of customers.

Can You Run a Laundromat Business With No Money By Yourself?

Being your own boss is a challenge in itself, but managing a laundromat business all on your own can be quite tricky.

You’ll be responsible for everything, from customer service to equipment maintenance, which can often become overwhelming.

Many individuals who attempt to go solo end up experiencing significant burnout shortly after opening their shop.

Moreover, building a steady stream of customers is vital for increasing your revenue over time. Thus, it becomes your sole responsibility to handle all aspects of your business operations.

While running a laundromat business alone may be possible, it’s essential to recognize the workload and potential challenges to make informed decisions and plan for support as needed.


How many washing machines do I need to start a laundromat?

The number of washing machines you need to start a laundromat depends on various factors, including your available space, budget, and the expected demand in your location. However, as a general guideline, you should aim to have at least:

Small Laundromat: If you have limited space and resources, you can start with around 10 to 20 washing machines. This can cater to a small customer base and still be profitable.

Medium-Sized Laundromat: For a medium-sized laundromat with more space and a slightly larger budget, consider installing 20 to 30 washing machines. This allows you to serve a more extensive customer base and generate higher revenue.

Large Laundromat: If you have a significant budget and ample space, you can go for 30 or more washing machines. A larger laundromat can attract more customers and potentially offer a wider range of services, such as different machine sizes and speciality machines.

What is the success rate of a laundromat?

The laundromat industry boasts an impressive 95 per cent success rate, making it a notably secure investment compared to industries with higher volatility. Furthermore, laundromats can yield returns of up to 35 per cent on your initial investment.

What permits do I need to open a laundromat?

To open a laundromat, you’ll typically need several permits and licenses to ensure legal compliance and safe operations. The common permits and licenses often include a business license, health department permits and possibly a zoning permit to ensure your chosen location complies with local zoning laws.

You may also need to meet environmental regulations if you’re using certain types of machines. Consulting with a local business attorney or regulatory agency can provide you with guidance specific to your area’s regulations.

How to get a loan to open a laundromat?

To obtain a loan for opening a laundromat, consider applying for an SBA (Small Business Administration) loan.

SBA loans offer significant advantages, including up to 85% guaranteed by the SBA, loan amounts of up to $5.5 million, extended repayment terms of up to 25 years, and typically lower interest rates.

To qualify, you’ll generally need a credit score of 680 or higher, a few years of business experience, solid revenue, and financial stability. If approved, use the funds wisely to set up your laundromat business and adhere to the repayment plan.

Is a Laundromat Passive Income?

Owning a laundromat can generate income with relatively less day-to-day involvement, it’s important to understand that it’s not passive. It does provide passive income, but there are initial investments, ongoing maintenance tasks, and management responsibilities involved. These include keeping the machines in good working condition, maintaining a clean and safe store environment, and ensuring customer satisfaction. In essence, while it offers passive income potential, it’s not a completely passive business and requires some attention and care to run successfully.

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Sum Up:

Starting a laundromat business without money is tough, but it can be done with some clever thinking. I have shared 10 essential steps on how to start a laundromat business with no money in the above article.

Do you have any special tips or stories about how to make a laundromat business successful from the start? Please share them in the comments below. And if you know anyone who might find this article helpful, don’t hesitate to pass it along!

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